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Home page | TAH partonomy |
Top level | skeletal system Short Extended |
Level 2 | bones of upper limb (pair) Short Extended |
Current level | phalanges of hand (pair) Short |
Subsidiary language with Latin | |
Non Latin primary language |
Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
23914 | 1017 | tax |
phalanges of hand (pair) ; bone of fingers (pair)
phalanges manus (par) ; ossa digitorum
1017 |
# phalanx of hand ; bone of fingers
# phalanx manus ; os digitorum manus
226482 | 1022 | tax |
base of phalanx of hand (pair)
basis phalangis manus (par)
326478 | 1023 | tax |
shaft of phalanx of hand (pair)
corpus phalangis manus (par)
226577 | 1024 | tax |
head of phalanx of hand (pair)
caput phalangis manus (par)
76633 | 1025 | tax |
trochlea of phalanx of hand (pair)
trochlea phalangis manus (par)
75816 | 1018 | tax |
proximal phalanges of hand (pair) P4 77 children
phalanges proximales manus (par)
23918 | 10879 | tax |
proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
phalanx proximalis pollicis (par)
37490 | 11725 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis pollicis (par)
40302 | 11730 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis pollicis (par)
37606 | 11731 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis pollicis (par)
11732 | tax |
trochlea of proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
trochlea phalangis proximalis pollicis (par)
23919 | 10868 | tax |
proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
phalanx proximalis digiti secundi (par)
37499 | 11726 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti secundi (par)
37557 | 11733 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti secundi (par)
37615 | 11734 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti secundi (par)
11735 | tax |
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti secundi (par)
23920 | 10882 | tax |
proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
phalanx proximalis digiti tertii (par)
37515 | 11727 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti tertii (par)
37569 | 11736 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti tertii (par)
37627 | 11737 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti tertii (par)
11738 | tax |
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti tertii (par)
23921 | 10883 | tax |
proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair) ▲
phalanx proximalis digiti quarti (par)
37523 | 11728 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti quarti (par)
37581 | 11739 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti quarti (par)
37639 | 11740 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti quarti (par)
11741 | tax |
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti quarti (par)
23922 | 10884 | tax |
proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
phalanx proximalis digiti minimi (par)
37535 | 11729 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti minimi (par)
37593 | 11742 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti minimi (par)
37650 | 11743 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti minimi (par)
11744 | tax |
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti minimi (par)
75817 | 1019 | tax |
middle phalanges of hand (pair) P4 62 children
phalanges mediae manus (par)
23933 | 10885 | tax |
middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
phalanx media digiti secundi (par)
37502 | 11805 | tax |
base of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
37560 | 11809 | tax |
body of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
37618 | 11810 | tax |
head of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
11811 | tax |
trochlea of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
23934 | 10886 | tax |
middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
phalanx media digiti tertii (par)
37514 | 11806 | tax |
base of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
37572 | 11812 | tax |
body of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
37639 | 11813 | tax |
head of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
11814 | tax |
trochlea of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
23935 | 10888 | tax |
middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
phalanx media digiti quarti (par)
37526 | 11807 | tax |
base of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
37584 | 11815 | tax |
body of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
37642 | 11816 | tax |
head of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
11817 | tax |
trochlea of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
23936 | 10889 | tax |
middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
phalanx media digiti minimi (par)
37538 | 11808 | tax |
base of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
37596 | 11818 | tax |
body of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
37654 | 11819 | tax |
head of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
11820 | tax |
trochlea of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
75818 | 1020 | tax |
distal phalanges of hand (pair) P4 95 children
phalanges distales manus (par)
1020 |
# distal phalanx of hand
# phalanx distalis manus
76641 | 1021 | tax |
tuberosities of distal phalanx of hand (pair)
tuberositates phalangis distalis manus (par)
23945 | 10890 | tax |
distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
phalanx distalis pollicis (par)
37493 | 11869 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
basis phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
40304 | 11870 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
37609 | 11879 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
caput phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
11880 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
11881 | tax |
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
17210 | tax |
tuberosity of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
tuberositas phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
23946 | 10891 | tax |
distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
phalanx distalis digiti secundi (par)
37505 | 11871 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
basis phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
37563 | 11872 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
37621 | 11891 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
caput phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
11892 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
11893 | tax |
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
23947 | 10892 | tax |
distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
phalanx distalis digiti tertii (par)
11873 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
basis phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
37575 | 9635 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
37633 | 11882 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
caput phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
11883 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
11884 | tax |
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
23948 | 10893 | tax |
distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
phalanx distalis digiti quarti (par)
11875 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
basis phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
37587 | 11876 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
37645 | 11885 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
caput phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
11886 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
11887 | tax |
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
23949 | 10894 | tax |
distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
phalanx distalis digiti minimi (par)
11877 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
basis phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
37599 | 11878 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
37627 | 11888 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
caput phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
11889 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
11890 | tax |
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
87 lines
93.1 %
94.3 %
17 partial items
240 entities
Scientific notes |
Signature |
Type of list | P3F |
List Unit Identifier | 1017 |
Sublist 1 | 1018 phalanges proximales manus 77/26 on 9.10.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 1019 phalanges mediae manus 62/21 on 9.10.2024 |
Sublist 3 | 1020 phalanges distales manus 95/32 on 9.10.2024 |
Subtotals | subchildren 234 subunits 79 |
Proper children | 5 |
Number of children | 239 (validated) |
Proper units | 1 |
Number of units | 80 (validated) |
Signature | 15564 (validated since 9.10.2024) |
Date: 13.10.2024 |